Thank you for considering me as your sports photographer. I am excited about the opportunity to capture your athletes in action and provide you with high-quality images that showcase their talents.

As your photographer, I will arrive at the designated location before the scheduled event, introduce myself to all parties, set up my equipment and prepare for the shoot. During the event, I will capture a variety of shots that highlight the intensity and excitement of the game. I will use my experience and creativity to capture unique and memorable images that you and your athletes will cherish for years to come.

After the shoot, I will carefully select and edit the best images. I will provide you with the final images in a timely manner.

Please let me know if you have any specific requests or requirements for the shoot. I am open to discussing any special requests or concerns you may have to ensure that the shoot is a success. Including any person that does not wish to be photographed.

The photographs taken as part of the event/game, can also be used now or in the future for the purpose of external communications, including advertising and marketing as well as posted on Social Media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram and website, by both parties.

I understand I can withdraw the above consent at any time by advising Bec Casey in writing.

I look forward to working with you and capturing some amazing moments!